ProDe Lab has the knowledge available from the internationally educated Polytechnics -UDG Alumnus:

Thursday, October 19th, 2017.
Students of the Faculty of Polytechnics UDG defended their Master Theses at Politecnico di Milano! In July 2015, Ružica Markuš and Branka Bajić, after three years of studies at Polytechnic of UDG, Montenegro, defended their Diploma thesis as engineers of Polytechnics. In October 2017, after successfully completing master's studies at one of the best and most respected Design and Architecture academic schools in Europe- Politecnico di Milano, Ružica and Branka defended their Master's Theses! Topics of the Master Theses of both Branka and Ružica are defined in domain of the Montenegrin space. More information is available following the link bellow.

Branka Bajić followed the studies towards MA degree at the Politecnico di Milano in Italian language, and her master's thesis title is: CASTEL NUOVO PROGETTO DI NUOVO CENTRO CULTURALE A HERCEG NOVI, MONTENEGRO; Thesis advisor: Alessandro Bianchi.

Ružica Markuš completed the MA studies at the Politecnico di Milano in English language, and her master's thesis titled : VALORIZATION OF THE HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL POTENTIAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL AREA_SVAC, Montenegro; Thesis advisor: Filippo Bricolo.