Visit to Lazine company

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016.
On May 10th, 2016, five students from UDG and their professors visited the Lazine company in Danilovgrad.

Their goal was to establish a relationship with employers that could lead to further cooperation and collaboration between the company and the University of Donja Gorica (UDG) and to introduce the company to new 3D technologies and knowledge transfer within ProDe Laboratory.

Students and professors were hosted by director, Milutin Djuranovic. Lazine  is the first private dairy company in Montenegro, established in 1998. According to the research studies  made by IEER (Institute for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development), Lazine is brand one in production and selling of dairy products. According to the needs and request from the company, students from UDG  made visual identity and design of a new bottle and cap. In order to make this specific bottle and cap, they needed to do  market research, and also do  research on materials, forms and make several draft versions. All of the bottles that were made by students were functional and diverse.

Young students of graphic and fashion design had the opportunity to express their abilities, and also  improve their art skills and strengthen their self-confidence, through making a visual identity for the company.